Zapatos y otras historias has been one of the biggest and most complex projects we have undertaken at Moksín. It wouldn't have been possible without all the people who participated and our language, Galician, which offers endless possibilities, limited only by our creativity and the speakers who use it.

Moksín cannot be understood without Galician culture, its surroundings, and, of course, the Galician language. As a project, even though many people may not associate fashion with the Galician language, we have never had any debate about its use. For us, the use of Galician is normal and natural. Our language is never a barrier to our project; on the contrary, it adds value and creates a closer and more natural relationship with the audience.

Thanks to the institutional support of the City Council of Santiago and its Commercial Advertising in Galician Award, we were able to design an interactive shop window where people contributed words, and three artists improvised based on those words to create artworks in the store. We thus created a cultural piece in which everyone participated, and our language was the protagonist.

We hope you like it, and not just today, but every day, we can all celebrate the Day of Galician Letters by speaking. There is no better tribute to a language than using it every day.Many thanks to Mónica de Nut, Cinta Adhesiva, Bátega, Simbolóxico, the Concello de Santiago, and all of you for being part of this special project.

Whether it's Galician, Spanish, English, Portuguese, or any language you speak, take it for a walk through the streets and show it off ;)